Persona 3 Portable Torrent English

Persona 3 Portable Torrent English Rating: 3,5/5 1528reviews

Glossary of Latin WordsBACK TO CONTENTSGlossary of Latin Words. Found in Records and Other English Manuscripts, But. EBv0-3srXI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Persona 3 Portable Torrent English' title='Persona 3 Portable Torrent English' />Persona 3 Portable Torrent EnglishPersona 3 Portable Torrent EnglishNot Occurring in Classical Authors. A. abaciscus a small square tablet. See abatis. abbatissa an abbess. See abbettare, c. Property is in abeyance when it is in the expectation, in the intendment of the law, not in actual possession. Nintendo Wii Dolphin Emulator Roms'>Nintendo Wii Dolphin Emulator Roms. See abactor. abjectire to be non suited to make default. Gr7GIGAsI/0.jpg' alt='Persona 3 Portable Torrent English' title='Persona 3 Portable Torrent English' />Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. Watch32 Watch Movies on Watch32. Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. O. E. obley oblata. Download Different Voices For Gps'>Download Different Voices For Gps. Maundy Thursday. absoniare to shun, or avoid. See abbuttare. acatum. See accatum. accalvaster bald in front. See accapitare. achatum purchase, bargain. O. E. a colet. acopatus. See acupatus. acordum accord assent. English acres in the reign of Richard I are said to be equal to 2. For aorisia. actachiare. See attachiare. actilia armour and weapons gear. See atilium. actio a legal demand of a right. See attornatus. actuarius the clerk who registers the acts of convocation. Sometimes used for at not to a place. Fr. aleier. admensuratio admeasurement, a writ for remedy against persons who usurp more than their share. See acquietare. adramire. See arramire. adrectare to do right to make amends. See addresciare. adsecurare. See assecurare. adulterinus unlawful, esp. Aegyptiacus, Aegyptius a gypsy. See herecius. aerrarius. See aerarius. aesnescia. See esnecia. affadilla a daffodil. See affidagium. afferamentum affeerment, assessment. See affeteiare. affidagium assurance safety. Court. afforciare to increase or make stronger to compel. Applied to cloth and other goods. See affrus. affraia an affray. See afferamentum. Mass or other service a priests daily office. See agistamentum. Agnus Dei an oval piece of white wax, stamped with the figure of a lamb, and consecrated. See esnecia. aira an eyrie, the nest of an eagle, a falcon, or a swan. A. S. snace. aisya convenience. A. S. aecer mon. Their holding was less than that of the virgatarii, but from comparison of rent must have been more than an acre. Albae the weeks after Easter and Whitsuntide. O. E. a comeling. See arcubalistarius. On the Continent the word included sardines and anchovies, but probably not in England. Alfita Herbarum is the title of a book. Spanish bugloss. alkemonia alchemy. See alecia. allectium, allectum. See alecium. allegiantia allegiance. See alodium. allorium. See alura. allosa a shad. See alosa. allota, alluta cork cordwain leather. See allota. alluminare to illuminate, to decorate books with colour. See alutarius. almaria, almerium a cupboard an aumbry. See armaria. almariolum a little cupboard. See almucia, amictus. See ulna. alnagium measurement by the ell duty paid by the ell. See alura. alosa a shad, probably used for both the twaite shad and the allice shad. Cuviers alosa finta and alosa communis. See alfita. altaragium altarage offerings made upon the altar small tithes. See altaragium. altarista a priest assigned to one altar in a church. See altaragium. alura Fr. See ambassiata. ambo a pulpit, or reading desk. See amensuramentum. See almucia. amictus an amice, a linen sacerdotal vestment forming a hood or collar. See adminiculum. ammobragium, amobragium a kind of service a fine the Welsh form of Mercheta. Ember weeks. angarialis grievous. Algleria Englishry. Angliceria Englishry. Anglici probatio proof of Englishry. Ash Wednesday. antegarda vanguard. Rome. apothecarius a shopkeeper a keeper of a granary or store a druggist. Middle Temple. apparens lex ordeal. See apatisare. appellare to appeal. See apanagium. appensamentum delay postponement. See aporia. apportionamentum apportionment. Wakefield appointed to look after the interests of the lord of the manor. See haratium. aralis arable. See arcubalista. arbalisteria loopholes. See arconarius. archearius a bow bearer. See arcarius. archemecherus some officer in the household of Henry VI, perhaps chief cook. See artista. arcisterium a monastery asceterium. Court of Arches, so called from the church of St. Mary de Arcubus le Bow, where it was formerly held. See armaria. armarius a librarian in a monastery. See arraiamentum. See arainare. arramire, adrumire to promise, esp. See arraiamentum. See arrainare. arrentare. See arentare. arrepticius possessed by an evil spirit. See arivagium. arrivare. See arivare. arrura. See arura. arsina arson house burning. Court Christian. artificium handicraft. See aisiamentum. asinare to ride on an ass. See assidare. assemblare to assemble. See assecurare. asseware, assewiare to drain marsh ground. See astrium. astula a piece of firewood. See austur. aszeisia. See azesia. atachiare, c. See attachiare. athia, atia hatred, malice. See attinctus. atirare to equip. See attachiare. attilamentum. See atilium. attiliaria military engines artillery. See atilium. attilliator a maker of artillery or military engines. See atilium. attincta attaint. See attornare, c. See aurifrigium. aurifraser, aurifresarius an embroiderer. Gk. aorisia. auroca, aurocus a haycock, a hayrick the quantity of hay which can be lifted on a handle of a scythe. See averus. austur, austurcus a goshawk astur palumbarius. Fr. autour. austurcharius a falconer. Middle Temple. autumpnare to bring the harvest home. See auctionarius. See advantagium. avaragius one who looks after draught cattle. See adventura. avera a days work of a ploughman. Fr. oiseau, for a hawk or falcon. See avagium. avisamentum advice. Acdsee Pro 2.5 Torrent. See avocare. avoaria avowry. See averagium. avrus. See averus. awardium an award. See aisiamentum. azaldus an inferior horse. See baccalarius. bacheleria the commonalty, as distinguished from the baronage. See baco. bacile, bacina, bacinus a bason. O. E. base. See bassum. Venetian coin, worth in the 1. English. baia rumour a bay. St. John of Jerusalem, the Bailly of the Eagle. Knights Templar. balcanum The Templars standard. See balconifer. baldekinum, baldicum baudekin, a kind of brocade of silk and gold, originally brought from Bagdad a canopy. See balasius. baleuga. See banleuga. balidinus bay of a horse. See ballia, balliva. See banleuga. ballia the bailey of a castle. See balliva. ballium bail the bailey of a castle wardship a grant in trust. Bath. balneta some sort of whale. Fr. banlieu. bannum, banum a proclamation a boundary pl. See barbicana. barbator a barber. See barbicana. barbelatus barbed. See bercaria and barkaria. See bercarius. barcius a fish, probably perch perca fluviatilis, perhaps also bass labrax lupus. See barca and bargea. See barhuda. bartona demesne lands a manor house. See bazeyna. basilardum a long poniard a falchion a cutlass. Early Chanc. Proc. See bacinettum. bassare to lower. See basilardum. bassellus a coin abolished by king Henry II. Southern France. basto a staff. Per basum tolnetum capere, to take toll by strike. Oriel College. batellatus embattled. See batillus. bateria battery, beating. See bacium. bativa, batura battery. See banleuga. batus a boat a measure, 1. See baldekinum. bausanus a badger, a bawson. Fr. baucant, bauzant. See baia. bazantius. See bisantius. bazeyna basil, prepared leather. See bedrepium. bedrepium bedripe, harvest work done by tenants as a customary service it sometimes means a definite amount, perhaps a days work. See bedrepium. bedum the portion of a millstream which turns the wheel and is boarded up to increase the force of water. English word is, to denote a portion of an army a judicial combat, duel. See beria, bersa. See bracelettus. berdare to beard or bard wool, i.