Successful Erp Implementation Case Study Pdf Examples
Successful Erp Implementation Case Study Pdf Examples' title='Successful Erp Implementation Case Study Pdf Examples' />Uncategorized SAP Blogs Page 1. In the first part of this blog https blogs. Fiori application with local WEB IDE. Successful Erp Implementation Case Study Pdf Examples' title='Successful Erp Implementation Case Study Pdf Examples' />Integrating Project and Change Management for Successful Business Transformation Initiatives May 4, 2015 Deven Trivedi, PMP, ACP Manager, Technology Enablement. 3D Muscle Premium 2 Ipa Download Site. Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Now we will deploy it on the frontend server and run with Fiori Launchpad. Deploy SAP Fiori Application on Fiori Frontend Server. A large paper products manufacturer did all the right things to make its JDA implementation successful by committing significant investments of time and money to. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. We have to deploy our application to Fiori frontend server. Select our application List. Report. Purchase. Orders in Workspace folder and use menu Deploy Deploy to SAPUI5 ABAP Repository Pictures 2. System is destination to the frontend server. Choose Next. Picture 2. Because SAP Fiori Application is deployed to ABAP Server as BSP application, we have to use for the name up to 1. Z. Of course, if you want to transport this application, you must use transportable package not TMP. Press Next and Finish. Now we can check availability of our application ZFIORIPO as BSP application on the frontend server transaction SE8. Picture 2. 9Consequently, with transaction SICF we can see our application as web service under ui. Picture 3. 02. Adding our Fiori Application to Launchpad. SAP Fiori Launchpad is the entry point to Fiori applications as on mobile as on desktop devices. The Launchpad contains Fiori applications as tiles. Access to this tiles based on the user roles. Tiles are collected in catalogs. So, we will work with tile, role, catalogs, and users. There is well known picture from SAP documentation with Fiori artifact relationship Picture 3. Recall there main definitions Semantic object Represents a business entity for example vendor, a sales order, purchase order in our caseAction Describes which operation is intended to be performed on the semantic object display purchase order in our caseIntent is a mechanism that allows to perform some actions on semantic objects. Target Mapping map the intent to the application. In this sample, simplification of target mapping is usedwithout LPDCUSTCatalogs contain tiles, user can find necessary tile in a catalog if the catalog belong to users role. Northwind Sample Database Access 2007. If group with tile belong to users role, user see tiles from the group on Launchpad immediately. Semantic Object. Execute transaction nUI2SEMOBJ. Press New Entry and add record Semantic Object ZPOSem. Semantic Object Name ZPOSem. Semantic Object Description Sem Object for Purchase Order Items Report. Catalog and Title. Open your Fiori Launchpad Designer the link will look likehttps lt frontedservername lt port sapbcui. By default, catalog creation mode is opened. Click on Picture 3. Enter ID and Title and Press Save. Picture 3. 3Next, we create target mapping. El Caso De La Actriz Que Nadie Queria Pdf To Jpg'>El Caso De La Actriz Que Nadie Queria Pdf To Jpg. Click on to create an intent Picture 3. First, set application type to SAPUI5 Fiori App, then enter Semantic ObjectZPOSem. Actiondisplay. URL sapbcui. Component List. Report. Purchase. Orders. Title Purchase Order Items ReportSave. Picture 3. 5Click to Tiles. Picture 3. 6Press and select Static variant. Picture 3. 7Again enter. Title Purchase Order ReportSemantic Object ZPOSem. Actiondisplay. Save it. There is result Picture 3. Group and PFCG role. After creating the catalog with the tile, we can create a group. If user have a group in his PFCG role, he can immediately see tiles from a group on the Fiori launchpad. Click on the navigational pane and press Enter ID and Title for the group. Picture 3. 9Save it. Picture 4. 0Click to Plus bellow Show as Tiles and enter First Fiori Catalog in value helper Picture 4. Press Plus for adding our tile from ZCAT1 First Fiori Catalog to ZGRP1. Picture 4. 2Result Picture 4. So, we have created the Fiori tile that can call the Fiori application through the Launchpad role. This tile belongs to new tile group and tile catalog. After this, we have to assign there group and catalog to users by PFCG roles. PFCG role and user for frontend server. We have to create PFCG role on frontend server and assign it to a user. Run transaction PFCG, create empty single role ZFIORI1 and save it. Picture 4. 4On the Menu tab, open the menu of the pushbutton for adding objects pushbutton and choose the object type SAP Fiori Tile Group. Press the button. Picture 4. 5Enter ZGRP1 into Group ID Field. Similarly, we add our catalog ZCAT1 select SAP Fiori Tile Catalog on the button Picture 4. Its need to add an authorization for the OData service. On the Menu tab, open the menu of the pushbutton for adding objects pushbutton and choose the object type Authorization Default Picture 4. In the window, choose TADIR Service for Authorization default. Enter following values Program ID R3. TRObject Type IWGSand enter ZDDLPURORDER in value help. You need to find out the full name including version of our OData service Picture 4. Now, we can see the set of authorization Picture 4. In addition to the role with Fiori application ZFIORI1 we need a role with basic Fiori authorization. This role is usually created during the Fiori configuration phase. See, for example https help. SAP Net. Weaver 7. SAP Net. Weaver User Interface Services Security Information Authorization. For example, in my work landscape I use a composite role ZSAPUI2ADMIN copy from SAPUI2ADMIN with additional authorization UI2CHIPSPBCHIPRFCALC for trusted connection to backend serverFinally, assign our basic Fiori role and role ZFIORI1 to test user on frontend server. PFCG role and user for backend server. For PFCG role of the test user on backend server the same login name as on frontend you can use authorization template IWBEPRTMGWUSR. Go to Launchpad the direct link will look likehttps lt frontend server lt port sapbcui. Fiori. Launchpad. We can see the tile Purchase Order Report belong to First Fiori group Picture 5. Press on the tile, and you see blank Purchase Order Report. Next click view customization Picture 5. Select all columns on Columns table, group by pourchase document on Group table, and you can see something like Picture 5. Troubleshooting with Fiori and OData. Cache issues are very common in Fiori application development. When you change Fiori group, catalog, role on frontend server, I recomend to use report UI2INVALIDATEGLOBALCACHES on frontend server. When you change o. Data services, transaction IWFNDCACHECLEANUP must be used on frontend server, and transaction IWBEPCACHECLEANUP must be used on backend and frontend servers. Please, read the blog https blogs. Fiori cache details. SAP Gateway Error Log transaction IWFNDERRORLOG is very useful to resolve troubleshooting with OData authorization and other OData problems. There are examples an output of this transaction. Picture 5. 3Line 3 the authoization SRFCALC has not been added to the role of backend user. Line 4 the authorization for OData service has not been added to the role of frontend user. For both mistakes, the Fiori application did not return data. Integrating ERP Business Components into SAP S4 HANA Cloud Edition SAP HANA1. Introduction. SAP S4. HANA is the short form for SAP Business Suite 4 for SAP HANA with another code line. It brings enormous flood of SAP advancement to their clients, like the move from SAP R2 to SAP R3. It is SAPs cutting edge business suite and another item completely based on the most exceptional in memory stage today. And, as per the present day outline standards this suite came up with SAP Fiori Fig 1 client experience UX. SAP S4. HANA conveys gigantic rearrangements client appropriation, information model, client experience, basic leadership, business procedures, and models and developments Internet of Things, Big Data, business systems, and versatile first. This will give organizations run straightforward in an advanced and arranged economy. SAP at present offer on Premise, cloud open and oversaw and half breed organizations to give a genuine decision to clients. Figure 1. SAP Fiori User interface UXSAP S4. HANA additionally gives their clients an alternative to completely influence the new HANA multi tenancy usefulness as gave by the SAP HANA stage for the cloud. The platform SAP HANA has been available since 2. SAP applications like SAP ERP and the SAP Business Suite have been able to run on the SAP HANA database andor any other database. However SAP Business Suite 4 only runs on the SAP HANA database, and thus it is packaged as one product SAP S4. HANA. The offering is meant to cover all mission critical processes of an enterprise. It integrates functions from lines of businesses as well as industry solutions, and also re integrates portions of SAP Business Suite products such as SAP SRM, CRM and SCM. Companies can reduce the complexity of their systems with S4. HANA because the platform integrates people, devices, big data and business networks in real time. We confidently can say that, SAP HANA platform can potentially save an organization 3. Strategy to Move onto S4 HANAA reasonable methodology on moving to S4. HANA must be characterized, proceeding begin any undertaking or exercises to move into the most up to date SAP advancement. This procedure must be adjusted to business technique. We like the phrase read couple of days ago We dont need a digital strategy we need a business strategy for a digital world. Recommended three situations on moving to S4. HANA 1. New implementation, also known as green field implementation, for companies that does not have SAP ERP core or companies willing to re implement SAP core solution. System conversion, which means is not an upgrade for going to S4. HANA. As a new product system migration is possible, but consider that a lot of data transformation needs to be done. Landscape transformation that could include migration of selected applications or system consolidation into one S4. HANA system. This is when having several instances or different functionality in several SAP systems which need to consolidate them on S4. HANA. In scenarios 2 and 3, system upgrade is not an option. One example of migration would be converting vendors customers into business partners. In order to do it data transformation should takes place. SAP is providing some tools for data migration and transformation, even though process validation, data analysis and data cleansing times must be considered during the projects timeline. The fundamental challenge is to establish a business aligned road map to move into S4. HANA. Planning times for transition schema should be considered for all activities within to avoid operation risks and business downtimes. For any selected scenario a clear strategy should be addressed from the very beginning day of the project. To make the strategy for implementation, it will take time and resources to streamline the project scope. Get register to learn SAP HANA Training from certified industry expert trainers to gain indepth knowledge and practical live experience. Functionality. For this part, make sure all the current business processes are covered by new product functionality on the new suite. There is a road map available for S4. HANA to include all ECC Enterprise Central Component functions which includes like APO, CRM, SRM, EWM, and TM. This is part of SAPs simplification, also if there is a plan to expand the business or enter to new markets where you will need new business processes or new ways of doing things, you should consider a full functionality review beforehand. The good thing is S4. HANA helping you on entering to new markets or going to new business processes providing speed and some flexibility with Cloud Platform to make extensions. System architects have to take a deep review of S4. HANA simplification list and SAP Help to check for functionality on each version. Be aware that each quarter new releases are coming for cloud edition and every year for on premise edition. System Architecture Landscape. Organizations should remember making sure the global architecture definitions before the start of S4. HANA implementation or conversion. Check for periodic updates on components and make sure releases on cloud edition are planned in advance, this is to avoid system failures generated by updates. Architecture is one of the big changes in S4. HANA implementations. With this new product a lot of components must be installed or activated Application engines, Fiori, CDS, Gateway, HANA Studio, KPI modeler, OData, BW Embedded, Analytics, etc. These component versions are updated and enhancement packages are constantly released to make improvements on the new product. So, take into consideration of periodic checks on system and component versions, support packages andor enhancement packages. SAP mentions that releases will not be disruptive as in predecessor technologies R3, ECC, but a clear strategy into that statement should be adopted by companies on sticking to standard S4. HANA processes. Figure 2. S4 HANA landscape architectureAlso when integrating to other SAP systems you could find new standard APIs Application Programming Interface like Success Factors Employee Central integration to S4. HANA Human Resources, new integration tools like HANA Cloud Integration HCI and more. Some considerations when integrating with Non SAP systems could affect definitions for SOA and S4. HANA integration processes. We successfully integrated below business components with S4 HANA. Below components are remodeled into the new architecture successfully. Some going to be converted with S4 HANA and some of the components will be merged with SAP S4 HANA core. EWM, TM, and TREX S4 HANA search engine will replace TREX. EWM and TM are planning to move S4 HANA core. BW BI BI will be moved to cloud as C4. A Cloud for analytics. BW Operational reporting will be moved to S4 HANA and BW history reporting stays as EDW. PI will be converted as PO or HANA cloud integration HCI. SCM ATP, Production planning ad detail scheduling will come to S4 HANA. Demand planning and Supply planning will renew with IBP. SRM Converts as ARIBA for business network S4 HANA for procurement solutions. CRM Hybris C4. C Cloud for customer for customer interaction and sales order execution will be moved to S4 HANA. These are the components continued AS IS in new architecture as well 1. MDG Master Data Governance It will stay as a separate system as now.