Verify Chanel Serial Number

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Much of this is still relevant but you may find some of the specific details are different. Ok, you youve been onto Ebay and got yourself a really cheap bottle of the fantastic Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume only it doesnt quite ring true. Maybe the smell isnt quite what you were expecting, maybe the colour rang some alarm bells, or maybe the box seemed a bit clumsy. Chanel-Serial-Number-Guide.jpg' alt='Verify Chanel Serial Number' title='Verify Chanel Serial Number' />Either way, youre online savvy and it couldnt happen to your, right Well, it happened to me, so in my usual, slightly over the top way, Ill explain how it happened, what I noticed and what I did nextHow it happened. It was Christmas and the wife dropped the usual hints about her perfume running out. Straight onto Google. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum 1. Youre having a laughSolar Panel Company Stocks How Much Do Solar Panels Cost Per Watt Solar Panel Company Stocks Build Solar Panel System Solar Panel Lease Or Buy. Ebay 5. 5. Cool. Cool. Of course I look up why it wasnt 1. Im online savvy and it turns out it was a broken bottle. Cool, it happens I guess. There were positive review for the Coco Mademoiselle perfume, so looks like the seller has a list of satisfied customers. I place my order, it arrives. Christmas morning the doubts start. Im not sure about the colour. Ok, perfume goes into quarantine and I start the Columbo routine. Now, its still Christmas so I go online again with less bravado this time and order some more perfume from Boots for 8. Cant go wrong with Boots. It arrives so now I have the chance to do some comparisons. How to spot a fake So, first off. There are a few good guides on the e. Bay site. Heres one for the bottle and the box. However, these seem to differ in a few points with my experiences. Maybe its the US version versus the UK, maybe it an updated product and the counterfeiters have had time to do some changes. Whatever it is, Ill just give you what I noticed. The basic packaging Not so easy so farThey both look pretty similar. However, there are some overall differences and clues. The fake packaging had printing and fonts that were thicker and less refined than the real one. The quality was less and there were some subtle mistakes, such as the ingredients. But on the whole, lets face it, you wouldnt know. The bottle is much easier to find fault with but when the box arrives in the post, youre not going to open it before you gift wrap it are youThis is partially what the counterfeiters rely on. The front Just a few subtle differences in the font sizes and positioning. Without a real box to compare, you wouldnt know. The Back Now the back is where it starts to get interesting. There are some pretty big differences in positioning and thickness of the lettering thicker on the fake. The ingredients were the most obvious, with a spelling mistake, different line breaks and completely different ingredients at times. Ingredients The Top The scanner didnt really do justice to the gold which was pretty similar on both but did manage to show the lower quality of the logo and embossing on the fake. The base Again, the base was where it got a bit more obvious, but only when you have one to compare to. Fonts were different and the embossed numbers just visible on both were in different locations. However, on other online guides, they were both embossed just above the 1. The real one I have was embossed just below the barcode. Also, for those more observant more geeky among you, the barcode is actually different. Not sure if this is an internal Chanel thing though, so may be a red herring. Opening the box Very subtle but the flaps inside the real box were sharper then the more rounded fake. There is a subtle indent on either side of the real box lid flap too. The colour and smell Now were getting somewhere. If youve had Coco Mademoiselle before, youll know its pink. The fake was yellow brown in colour. That was the first real alarm bell. The second one was, as youd expect, the smell. This was Eau de Parfum, i. It smelt slightly of Coco Mademoiselle but didnt last. Eau de Parfum is supposed to last for up to 8 hours. The fake lasted for about a minute or two. Theyd obviously been clever to use diluted Coco Mademoiselle to confuse the less vigilant among us. The thick bottle The biggest giveaway on the bottle itself is the thick base and relatively rougher construction. Again, without a real bottle to compare to, you wouldnt know but its so obvious when you see it. Remember, Chanel is all about sophistication and delicacy, not chunky bottles and dubious printing. The bottle base Managed to scan these on my flatbed scanner and the result clearly shows the differences. Besides the fact the fake one has a clumsy glass moulding mark compared to the refined line around the real one, the text is different. Other online guides suggest the fake can be picked off with a finger nail but this was printed on pretty solidly. The Stopper Other online guides suggest these are obvious to spot as they are made of plastic. My fake seemed to be made of glass. However, there were a few things in common with other guides. The Coco Chanel double C logo was not very centred on the fake. It was very slightly off on the real one though. The fake stopper was a little lop sided however. Hard to see in the photo but the square top part was slightly angled compared to the bottom part. There was also a very subtle difference on the round plastic band above the white and gold ring. The real one had small dots around it just visible. Other guides also mention the top not fitting well or coming off when the bottle is held by the stopper alone. Mine seemed pretty secure and led to a few maybe its not a fake moments. However, when the real one arrived, the real stopper went on with a definite click. Sin &Amp there. Spray nozzle There are two things to note on the spray nozzle, the colour and the shape of the part inside the bottle. Some fake bottle have black nozzle inserts the small hole that the perfume squirts out of, my fake was white but compared to the real one was actually a more of a transparent white. The part inside the bottle the pump was much larger and protruded into the bottle on the fake as seen in the photo above. Curiously, the real bottle squirted about twice as much perfume as the fake. Gold printing The gold overprinting was much cleaner and sharper on the real one. Ive tried to get the light to show up the step in the printing where the gold is printed over the frosted logo. On the real one, the gold is exactly to the edge of the logo. In the fake, the gold covers the ridge on the outside of the logo, creating a step. Minor point but seemed in keeping with the theme of lower quality printing. A quick test So, with all your new found knowledge, what do you make of this Ive literally just done a search on Ebay and found this from a Polish sellerCheck out that super thick bottle the stopper is twisted but the logo is in the middle and the pump sticks down into the bottle a long way. Now you can see why most listings dont show the actual bottle, or show a stock Chanel product shot. If in doubt, ask the seller to send a photo of the bottle, as youll get a much better idea from it than you would from the box. I reported it, of course. So what to do Firstly, I reported it to Ebay. Just log in, go to the Resolution Centre then select I received an item that does not match the sellers description. Select the item from the list, click Continue and follow the instructions.