Cretaceous Calamity

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Torosaurus Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Torosaurus lat. lagarto perforado es un gnero representado por dos especies de dinosauriosceratopsianosceratpsidos, que vivieron a finales del perodo. Cretcico, hace aproximadamente 6. Maastrichtiense,1 en lo que hoy es Norteamrica. Posean uno de los ms grandes crneos encontrados en un animal terrestre. El crneo con la gola meda alrededor de 2,6 metros de largo. De la cabeza a la cola, Torosaurus debe haber rondado los 8,8 metros de largo, 2m de alto y haber pesado entre 4 y 6 toneladas. GnNW.jpg' alt='Cretaceous Calamity Download' title='Cretaceous Calamity Download' />Se caracterizaba por una placa huesuda grande, llamada volante o gola, que se proyecta en la parte posterior de su crneo. Un cuerno corto sobre su pico de loro y dos cuernos ms largos sobre sus ojos que le proporciona la proteccin contra depredadores. Los cuernos tambin fueron utilizados posiblemente en rivalidad durante el cortejo. Torosaurus fue el animal con el segundo crano ms grande que camin por la tierra, el que tena el crneo ms grande fue el Pentaceratops. Diagrama del crneo de Torosaurus. En 1. 89. 1, dos aos despus del descubrimiento de Triceratops, un par de crneos del ceratopsianos con las golas alargadas perforadas de grandes agujeros fueron encontrados en el sudeste de Wyoming cerca de John Bell Hatcher. El paleontlogo Charles Othniel Marsh acu el gnero Torosaurus para ellos. Los especmenes similares se han encontrado desde entonces en Wyoming, Montana, Dakota del Sur, Dakota del Norte, Utah y Saskatchewan. Los restos fragmentarios que se podran identificar posiblemente con el gnero se han encontrado en Big Bend. Texas y en la cuenca de San Juan de Nuevo Mxico. IKpSFrCJ2r0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Cretaceous Calamity Zoo Tycoon 2' title='Cretaceous Calamity Zoo Tycoon 2' />Los paleontlogos han observado que los especmenes de Torosaurus son relativamente infrecuentes en el expediente fsil, mientras que Triceratops es ms abundante. Aunque se piense lo contrario Torosaurus no significa lagarto toro, del latntaurus toro, sino que significa lagarto perforado de la palabra del griego antiguotoreo perforado. La alusin es a los agujeros, o ventanas en el volante alargado, de el cual ha servido tradicionalmente para distinguirlo del volante slido de Triceratops. Mucha de la confusin sobre la etimologa de los nombres conocidos de Marsh es que nunca explica explcitamente en sus trabajos el origen del mismo. Dos especies de Torosaurus han sido identificadas T. Marsh, 1. 89. 1 Especie tipoT. Cretaceous Calamity Zt2I recently registered 6 daylilies for 2017 there are now 49 daylilies hybridized and named by me, Subhana Ansari see Ansari Introductions, or click on the small. LearnEnglishNow. com Words Beginning With N Words Starting with N Words whose second letter is N. N the fourteenth letter of English alphabet, is a vocal. Australia First 4 Billion Years. One of the strangest landscapes on Earth reveals our planets complex history. Airing July 16, 2014 at 9 pm on PBS. Splashs Swim SchoolLight at the End of the Tunnel. Splash and Bubbles. Cretaceous Calamity Youtube' title='Cretaceous Calamity Youtube' />Lawson, 1. Una tercera especie ha sido posteriormente considerada como un sinnimo de la especie tipo T. Marsh, 1. 89. 1 T. Torosaurus utahensis fue originalmente descrita como Arrhinoceratops utahensis por Gilmore en 1. Una revisin de Sullivan et al. Torosaurus utahensis siendo algo ms viejo que T. ClasificacineditarTorosaurus ha sido tradicionalmente clasificado en la subfamilia llamada Chasmosaurinae, de Ceratopsidae, dentro de Ceratopsia cuyo nombre proviene del antiguo griego cara con cuerno, un grupo de dinosaurios herbvoros con picos de loros que prosperaron en Norteamrica y Asia durante el Jursico y el Cretcico. Se han excavado a los individuos juveniles de la Formacin Javelina del parque nacional de Big Bend, identificados como Torosaurus cf. In biology and ecology, extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms taxon, normally a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered. How to use tremendous in a sentence. Example sentences with the word tremendous. Torosaurus. 4. Crneo reconstruido de T. Los estudios han indicado que Torosaurus es el pariente ms cercano a Triceratops. Paleontlogos que investigaban la ontogenia de los dinosaurios crecimiento y desarrollo de individuos durante la vida en la Formacin Hell Creek de Montana, han ido recientemente un paso ms lejos, identificando a los Triceratops y Torosaurus como un solo gnero. John Scannella, en su trabajo presentado en Bristol, Reino Unido a la conferencia de la Sociedad para la Paleontologa de Vertebrados 2. Torosaurus como individuos viejos, quizs de un solo sexo de Triceratops. Jack Horner, el mentor de Scannella en la Universidad de Montana, observa que los crneos de ceratopsianos consisten en hueso metaplstico. Una caracterstica del hueso metaplstico es que se alarga y se acorta en un cierto plazo, extendiendo y reabsorbiendo a las nuevas formas. Una variedad significativa de formas se observa incluso en esos crneos identificados ya como Triceratops. Horner observa donde est la orientacin del cuerno hacia atrs en jvenes y hacia delante en adultos. El aproximadamente 5. Triceratops tienen dos reas finas en el volante que corresponden con la colocacin de los hoyos en los crneos de Torosaurus, sugiriendo que los agujeros se han desarrollado para compensar el peso que habra ido apareciendo con la maduracin de los individuos Triceratops. Esta conclusin fue contradicha en 2. Andrew Farke. l public una redescripcin de Nedoceratops hatcheri, una especie problemtica que en varias ocasiones se ha considerado como representante de su propio gnero, un sinnimo de alguna especie de Triceratops o bien una especie distinta del mismo, o, segn la hiptesis de Scannella y Horner, un ejemplo de un estadio de crecimiento intermedio entre las formas conocidas como Triceratops y Torosaurus. Farke concluy que Nedoceratops hatcheri es un individuo adulto de su propio gnero, cercanamente relacionado a Triceratops. Triceratops en un Torosaurus seran un proceso sin precedente entre los ceratpsidos, pues requerira la adicin de huesos epoccipitales, reversin de la textura del hueso de adulto a un estado inmaduro y de vuelta al adulto, y un tardo crecimiento de los agujeros en la gola. En la cultura populareditarEl Torosaurus a pesar de ser uno de los ceratpsidos mayores y tena una cresta impresionantemente enorme, no es uno de los ms populares. Claramente eclipsado por otros mucho ms populares como el Triceratops y el Styracosaurus. Sin embargo aparece en la serie documental Caminando con dinosaurios, mostrando una pelea entre machos por el derecho a aparearse, en el que uno resulta perdiendo un cuerno. Cretaceous Calamity Zoo Tycoon 2 Download' title='Cretaceous Calamity Zoo Tycoon 2 Download' />Tambin aparece en el videojuego Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, en el que los machos pelean de manera similar a como lo hacen en Caminando entre dinosaurios. En Cretaceous Calamity, una expansin para el videojuego. Zoo Tycoon 2, Torosaurus es uno de los dinosaurios disponibles para la adopcin, creado a partir del modelo de un Triceratops que aparece en una expansin original del juego. ReferenciaseditarHoltz, Thomas R. Jr. 2. 01. 2 Dinosaurs The Most Complete, Up to Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages,Winter 2. Appendix. Dodson, P. The Horned Dinosaurs. Princeton University Press, Pinceton, New Jersey, pp. Sullivan, R. M., A. C. Boere, and S. G. Lucas. 2. 00. 5. Redescription of the ceratopsid dinosaur Torosaurus utahensis Gilmore, 1. Journal of Paleontology 7. Hunt, Re. Becca K. Thomas M. Lehman. Attributes of the ceratopsian dinosaur Torosaurus, and new material from the Javelina Formation Maastrichtian of Texas. Journal of Paleontology 8. Farke, A. A. 2. 00. Cranial osteology and phylogenetic relationships of the chasmosaurine ceratopsid Torosaurus latus pp. Play the Zoo Tycoon game online for free Zoo Tycoon is a Business Strategy game, developed by Blue Fang Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios, which was. The Centrosaurus was dinosaur that existed on the earth in the late Cretaceous Period. It was a ceratopsid, the group which contained those dinosaurs that had large. By Joan dArc. 2002. ParanoiaMagazine Website. Spanish version. According to the harmonic rule known as Bodes Law, a planet should exist between Mars and. K. Carpenter ed., Horns and Beaks Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. New Analyses Of Dinosaur Growth May Wipe Out One third Of Species. Farke, A. A. 2. 01. Anatomy and taxonomic status of the chasmosaurine ceratopsid Nedoceratops hatcheri from the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation of Wyoming, U. S. A. PLo. S ONE6 1 e. Vase tambineditarEnlaces externoseditar. Top 1. 0 Cataclysmic Events In Earths Future. The Earth is in a perpetual state of change. Avaya Cdr Software Free. Whether by human action or solar disturbances, its guaranteed that earths future will be more than interesting but not exactly free of chaos. The following list presents ten major events that the earth is predicted to experience in the coming billion years. New Ocean1. 0 Million Years. One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar depression lying between Ethiopia and Eritrea is on average 1. With a mere 2. 0km between the surface and the hot magma bubbling below, the land is being slowly thinned by tectonic movements. Hosting a deadly array of volcanos, geysers, earthquakes and even toxic superheated water, the depression is hardly a holiday resort but come 1. Major Impact Event1. Million Years
Given the eventful history of the Earth, and the relatively high number of anarchic rocks floating around in space with a vendetta against planets, it is predicted that within the next 1. Earth will experience another impact event comparable to that which caused the CretaceousPaleogene extinction 6. This is of course bad news for any life on Planet Earth. Although some species will no doubt survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the age of mammals the current Cenozoic Era and instead usher in a new age of complex life forms. Who knows what sort of life will thrive on this newly purged Earth Perhaps one day well be sharing the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. For now though, our imagination is the only limit as to what may occur. Pangaea Ultima2. Million Years
Within the next 5. Africa, which has been migrating north for the past 4. Europe. This movement will seal up the Mediterranean sea within 1. Australia and Antarctica will also want to be part of this new supercontinent, and shall continue their paths northwards to merge with Asia. Whilst all this is occurring, the Americas will proceed on their westward course away from Europe and Africa, towards ASIA. What happens next is up for debate. It is believed that as the Atlantic ocean grows, a subduction zone will eventually form on the western border, which will drag the Atlantic sea floor down into the earth. This will effectively reverse the direction which the Americas are travelling, and eventually force it into the eastern border of the Eurasian supercontinent in around 2. If this doesnt occur, we can expect the Americas to continue their path westward until they merge with Asia. Either way we can look forward to the formation of a new hypercontinent Pangaea Ultima 5. Pangaea. Following this it will likely split once more and start a new cycle of drifting and merging. Gamma Ray Burst6. Million Years
If a major impact event every couple of hundred million years isnt bad enough, Earth also has to contend with incredibly infrequent Gamma ray bursts streams of ultra high energy radiation typically emitted from hypernovae. Although we are bombarded by weak Gamma ray bursts daily, a burst originating from a nearby system within 6. With more energy than the Sun will ever produce in its lifetime raining down upon Earth within period of minutes or even of seconds, Gamma ray bursts can calmly strip away large portions of the earths ozone layer, triggering radical climate change and extensive ecological damage, including mass extinctions. It is believed by some that a Gamma ray burst prompted the second largest mass extinction in history the Ordovician Silurian event, 4. Like all things in astronomy, however, pinning down exactly when the unlikely set of event that leads to a Gamma ray burst directed at Earth will occur is difficult, although typical estimates place it at between 0. But it could be as soon as a million years, should the threat from Eta Carinae be realised. Uninhabitable1. 5 Billion Years
As the Sun becomes progressively hotter as it slowly grows in size, the Earth will eventually lie outside of its habitable zone too close to the sizzling sun. By this time, all but the most resilient of life on Earth would have perished. The oceans will have completely dried up, leaving only deserts of burning soil remaining. As time goes by and the temperature rises, Earth may go the way of Venus, and turn into toxic wasteland as it is heated to the boiling point of many poisonous metals. What remains of humanity will have had to vacate by this point to survive. Luckily, by this point Mars will lie inside the habitable zone, and may provide a temporary haven for any remaining humans. Disappearance of the Magnetic Field2. Billion Years
It is believed by some, based upon our current understanding of the Earths core, that within 2. Earths outer core will no longer be liquid, but will have frozen solid. As the core cools, Earths magnetic field will slowly decay, until it ceases to exist altogether. With no magnetic field to protect it from the vicious solar wind, Earths atmosphere will be gradually stripped of its lighter compounds such as ozone until only a fragment of its former self remains. Tetris Windows 98 Free Download. Now with a Venus like atmosphere, the barren Earth will feel the full force of solar radiation making the already inhospitable land even more treacherous. Inner Solar System Calamity3. Billion Years
In around three billion years there is a small but significant chance that the the orbit of Mercury will have elongated enough to cross the path of Venus. Although we cannot currently predict exactly what will occur when this happens, the best case scenario is that Mercury will simply be consumed by the Sun, or destroyed by a collision with its bigger brother Venus. The worst case scenario Well, the Earth could collide with any or all of the other major non gaseous planets, whose orbits would have been radically destabilised by Mercurys transgressions. If the inner solar system remains somehow intact and undisrupted, within five billion years the orbit of Mars will cross that of Earth, creating once more a recipe for disaster. New Night Sky4 Billion Years
As the years pass, any life on Earth will have the pleasure of witnessing the Andromeda galaxy grow steadily larger in our night skies. It will be a truly magnificent sight to see the full majesty of a perfectly formed spiral galaxy glowing in the heavens, but it wont last forever. Over time it will begin to horribly distort as both it and the Milky Way begin to merge, throwing the otherwise stable stellar arena into chaos. Although direct collision between astronomical bodies is incredibly unlikely, there is a small chance that our Solar System may be ejected and thrown into the universal abyss. Either way, our night sky will, at least temporarily, be adorned with trillions of new stars

2. Ring of Debris5 Billion Years
Although the Moon is steadily receding at a distance of 4cm a year, once the Sun has entered its red giant phase, it is likely that such a trend will cease altogether. The additional force exerted on the moon by our bloated star will be enough to cause Moon to slowly come crashing back down to Earth. Once the Moon reaches the Roche limit it will then begin to disintegrate, as the tidal force exceeds the gravity holding the satellite together. After this it is possible that the debris will form a ring around the Earth, giving any life a pleasant skyline, until it falls back to earth again after a period of many millions of years. If this does not occur, there is another means by which the Moon may come plunging back towards its parent.