Snake Bite First Aid Treatment Pdf

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First aid for bites and stings. Australia is home to some of the most venomous creatures in the world. Snakes, spiders, jellyfish and molluscs, such as the blue ringed octopus and cone snail, can all inflict a sting or bite that may cause significant illness and occasionally, death. Snakes. Australian venomous snakes include taipans, death adders, tiger, black, brown, mulga and copperhead snakes as well as many sea snakes. In warmer weather, the land based snakes are out of hibernation and basking in the sun. Snake Bite First Aid Treatment Pdf' title='Snake Bite First Aid Treatment Pdf' />Foods That Burn Fat Pdf How To Lose 10 Pounds Of Fat In A Month Foods That Burn Fat Pdf How Many Calories Do I Need To Lose One Pound How To Lose Weight Fast Extreme. After 162 days and 40 sessions in the highpressure hyperbaric oxygen treatment HBOT chamber, Harch reported that Carlson could walk and that much of the brain. Surprisingly, most snake attacks happen near houses, not in the bush. Most Australian snakes are defensive by nature and will usually sense your approach and move out of the way. Most dont approach humans unless disturbed, however, some, such as the brown snake, are fast, fierce and easily angered. Snakebites may be painless,  and even though there may only be a light scratch or laceration, its important to act as quickly as possible. Blood clotting and life threatening haemorrhages are a common result of a snakebite. If someone is bitten by a snake, follow these rules. DO Apply a bandage over the bite as soon as possible. Keep the bitten limb and the patient STILL. Place a folded pad over the bite and apply a broad pressure bandage firmly to the limb, including over the pad on the bite site. Apply the pressure immobilisation bandage to the entire limb as far up as possible, starting just above the fingers for an arm or just above the toes for a leg. Immobilise the limb with a splint pressure immobilisation first aid see the instructions at the end of this article. If the bite is on the trunk or torso, still apply a pressure bandage. Free Gold Miner Game Online on this page. If the bite is on the head, neck or back, APPLY firm direct pressure on the bite site if possible. Do not restrict breathing, blood flow or chest movement. Get the victim to a hospital or medical centre, preferably by an ambulance that has resuscitation facilities and antivenom for snakebites. It is better to keep the bitten person still and bring transport to them, rather than for them to move. DO NOT DO NOT cut the bitten area. DO NOT use a tourniquet. DO NOT wash or suck the bite traces of venom may be needed for use with venom identification kits. DO NOT allow the victim to walk or move their limbs about. Carry the person on a stretcher or bring medical help and transportation to the person. DO NOT remove the pressure bandage as venom will quickly enter the bloodstream. DO NOT try to catch or kill the snake the type of snake can be identified from venom on the skin or clothes. Zte Blade 3 Drivers Download. In any case, there are new anti venoms available that act against all types of snakebites, which can be used when the snake is unidentified. Signs and symptoms of snake bite. Puncture marks may be visible, or a single mark or scratch. There may also be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, drowsiness, headache, breathing difficulty, trouble speaking or swallowing, blurry vision, fainting, confusion, weakness or difficulty moving limbs. Spiders. Only 2 Australian spiders, the redback and the funnel web, pose a threat to human life. Medical treatment is usually not required for white tailed spider bites, although ice packs may relieve acute pain. Clinical experience appears to be limited with mouse spider bites, but funnel web spider antivenom could be useful in severe cases. Some common house and garden spiders deliver bites but usually very little damage occurs. However, medical advice should be sought if there is concern. If it can be done safely, it is reasonable to try to capture and save the spider for identification purposes, even if it has been squashed. Funnel web spider. Funnel web spider bites can be fatal, and life threatening effects can occur quickly within 1. If someone is bitten by a funnel web spider, follow these rules. Check the persons breathing and circulation. If unconscious follow DRABC plan Danger, Respond, Airway, Breathing, Circulation. Calm the person and keep them STILL. Dial 0. 00 for an ambulance. Its important to get the victim to a hospital, preferably by an ambulance that has resuscitation facilities and antivenom for funnel web spider bites. Apply a broad pressure bandage to the entire limb immediately, especially over the bite site. If bitten on hand, bandage as much of arm as possible, starting just above fingers if bitten on foot or leg, bandage entire leg from just above toes. Apply a splint to the limb, to keep it STILL. DO NOT remove the bandage this will result in spread of the venom into the bloodstream. Antivenom is given to people who have symptoms following a funnel web spider bite. Signs and symptoms of funnel web spider bites. Pain at the area of the bite, but little redness or swelling. Person may be salivating and sweating profusely. Impact Dance Pad Game. They may have numbness or tingling around the mouth. Confusion may develop and there can be difficulty breathing. Muscular spasms can occur. Redback spider. The bite of a redback spider is immediately painful. Redback spider bites are rarely life threatening. If someone is bitten by a redback spider, follow these first aid rules. DO apply an ice pack to lessen the pain the pressure immobilisation technique is not used in this case as the venom acts slowly and any attempts to stop its movement tends to increase local pain, which may become excruciating. DO get the victim to a hospital or medical centre if a child is affected or symptoms are severe. Antivenom can be given in hospital to treat pain and other symptoms from redback spider bites, however antivenom is not routinely used for all people following redback spider bites. Signs and symptoms of redback spider bites. Bites from redback spiders are immediately painful and tend to get worse. The pain may spread. The bite area becomes red, swollen and hot. Small hairs near the bite may stand on end. There may also be nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Also sweating, especially around the bite. Marine bites and stings. The coastline of Australia, particularly the tropics, holds some perils for the unwary. Box jellyfish or sea wasp, bluebottles, stonefish, stingrays, blue ringed octopus and cone snails are just some of the nasties to watch out for. Box jellyfish or sea wasp. Box jellyfish are found in tropical Australian waters and stings from box jellyfish can be fatal. First aid for stings includes the following. Domestic vinegar should be poured liberally over any adhering tentacles to inactivate the stinging cells nematocysts as soon as possible. Flood the area with vinegar for at least 3. If vinegar is not available, wash the area well using sea water not fresh water and pick off tentacles this is not harmful to the rescuer. Dial 0. 00 for an ambulance and seek help from a lifeguard. Make sure patient does NOT move. A cold pack or ice in a sealed, dry plastic bag may help relieve pain. Take care not to get fresh water on the area as it could activate further stinging cells. Artificial respiration and cardiac massage cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR may be required. Antivenom is available, and is recommended for all but minor stings. Note The use of vinegar for jellyfish stings is to prevent the firing of undischarged stinging cells and the injection of more venom. Vinegar will not decrease pain or lessen the effects of the venom. Never try to substitute methylated spirits or alcohol, which will cause the nematocysts to discharge and worsen the sting. Signs and symptoms of box jellyfish or sea wasp sting. Immediate, excruciating pain.